I'm just relaxing in the recliner recovering my my small surgery and having been corned by the meds that they gave me, I'm not up to doing much besides surfing the web on my mothers laptop. I came across this great article on a blog called How to Fix Your Husband. Click on the link and check it out. I don't agree with all the comments at the end of the article, there seems to always have to be some joker or someone nasty on the net posting something :O(
I thought the article had some interesting points and some nuggets of truth. After 21 years of marriage to a wonderful man, who at times has needed an overhaul or a tune up, the blog post was a reminder of some things to me.
God is always in control and after 21 years of marriage, I've found that prayer, diligent prayer and not just little "God help me!" prayers is the best help and lifesaver/life giver I've found.
"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16.
Just an added note here, notice that Scripture says "YOUR" faults and not HIS faults. That is a real stinger ain't it?
Tell me what you get out of the article and share your thought on it here.
Have a wonderful weekend.
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