The Homeschool Gal

Proud Mommy Moment!

Our team got awards in the following categories:
Programming: clear, concise & reusable code & consistently performs.

Strategy & Innovation: solid engineering practices, well developed strategy to design & build, high performing robot.

Gracious Professionalism: show each other and other teams respect at all times & recognize both friendly competition & mutual gain.

They also had the only robot that talked.
Their robot was a line painter, it followed lines and was built to paint lines straight on roadways.
Thanks for letting me share my proud Mommy moment  :O)


  1. My boys are joining a Jr. Lego League next month! The only local one to us that I know of. If my soon to be 9 yr old wants to continue I don't know where we will go. Congrats to your team!

  2. Tracy,
    We did not have any local groups around here, we have had to travel more than an hour to get to one, so needless to say we are glad that they only met 2x a month. Our county just gave $1500 for NXT kits, so we are buying a couple and now in the search for someone to host the group. The lady that was in charge of this group that we just finished did an OUTSTANDING job, but said that she can't take the kids any further, she does not have the skill set to help them move forward. So we are hoping an engineering type person will step up and help out. The kids learned a lot in that they started out very frustrated the first few sessions and learned how to over come that feeling and work harder to problem solve. It was great to hear the younger and older kids alike talking about problem solving skills, physics and math, all just from playing with Lego' Praise the Lord for fun learning.
    Good luck to your son,

  3. Tracy,
    That should read good luck to your sons! Sorry about that. I meant to add too that we don't have a JR League here, so we go through 4-H.
