The Homeschool Gal

Surgery tomorrow..............

Well, friends I'm signing off here for awhile. I have to be at the hospital tomorrow morning for my surgery. After years of being misdiagnosed with stomach issues, doctors had always told me it was nerves, depression or stress causing my stomach issues......well they were wrong. So now I have to have part or all of my colon removed. They will decided once they get in there and get a better look at things.

The one nice thing out of all this was when I had a doctor that saw my CT scan tell me that he was very sorry that I had suffered for so many years. I told him "Oh, so it's not really all in my head?" And he told me that he could see from the CT scan that it was definitely not all in my head. Another specialist had a good laugh when I told him that I was told I was depressed and that was causing my stomach issues. He said with much sarcasm in his voice "Well having chronic diarrhea many times a day for years might make a person a touch depressed." lol. The doctors also apologized for me being one of those "medical mishaps" as they call it. Where someone slips through the system and is not treated correctly. Glad there is a name for As our Pastor always says "Doctors practice medicine." It's all just practice........EEEKKK!!!

Fear not if things don't go well and I end up in Glory. I know that Jesus has gone before me to prepare a place for me, John chapter 14 verse 3. The book of 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 6 says "Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord:" 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 55 says "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" Do you have this same view of your own future death? Or do you fear death? Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can remove this fear. To find out more ask me or go to or call 1-888-NEED-HIM.

Love ya all,
p.s. I'm not even worried about our homeschool. We have gotten all the 4-H books out and plan to have our son read over those, sketch out his projects for the year and stuff like that. Lots of reading, cooking and enjoying time with his 80+ year old Grandpa. He plans to set up a tent in Granpa's dining room and camping out for the week.


  1. I found your blog for the first time today. I am a mom (one in the womb, two in heaven, and two lively and active here) and my toddler is severely allergic to corn. We are starting our homeschooling journey for my five-year-old and I was searching for other homeschoolers who are also corn-free. (Finding lost of corn in arts & crafts, etc.) Thank you for your blog. I just read your post. I have been worried about dying during surgery (I have thick adhesions but also thin areas of the uterus) and I worry a lot about others not knowing how to care for my food-allergic children. Thank you for ministering to me by sharing the Scripture. I will pray that your procedure goes well and that you have a quick and full recovery.
    Blessings to you from Austin, TX.

  2. Welcome!! Glad you found my blog to be a blessing. The corn allergy is a nightmare, corn is hidden in everything and when you call companies they often say that they can't tell you if a product has corn in it because the recipe is proprietary. I am hoping that corn will be come one of the top allergens and HAVE to be labeled.

    What sort of symptoms does your son have when he gets corn? We have found some products from to be corn free. Montanas Chocolate Chip Cookies from Kinnikinnick taste just like Chips Ahoy Cookies to us. YUM!!

    I am so excited for you starting out on the homeschooling journey! This is our 5th year and it's a blast, though there are days when I'm pulling my hair out, I would not change a thing! Check back for some review of homeschooling materials. I am a product reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, you can read their magazine online for free at

    Thanks for checking in.
