The Homeschool Gal

Progeny Press Review of The Hobbit & Treasure Island Interactive PDF Study Guides.

As members of The Old Schoolhouse Magazines Review Crew we have been privileged to receive The Hobbit Interactive Study Guide instant download for grades 8th-12th as well as the Treasure Island Study Guide grades 7th-10th from Progeny Press.
 Prices: $21.99 Printed Booklet, $18.99 CD, $18.99 Instant Download The book The Hobbit can be purchased from Progeny Press for just $8.99 for paperback. There are a few extras that are needed to do a complete study, but they are items that most of us already have on hand on our bookshelves such as: a good dictionary, Bible, topical Bible, concordance, encyclopedias, Internet access and a thesaurus.
The Hobbit Interactive Study Guide is for 8th-12th grade students, our 7th grade student was able to use this product from Progeny Press with no problems.
I will be the first to admit that I have always been under the impression that The Hobbit was not a book for Christians to read, well grab a snack & drink and come join me in finding out just how wrong this assumption was on my part.
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"Looking for more than activity sheets or a who-did-what series of questions? Want to dig into the essence of the novel? This study guide provides easy-to-use, reproducible lessons on literary terms, comprehension and analysis, critical thinking, related scriptural principles, vocabulary, and activities, plus a complete answer key." From the Progeny Press Website.
What the student liked about the The Hobbit Interactive PDF Study Guide.
1) I liked how the study guide gave background information about the author, I always like to know more about who wrote the book.
2) It made literature and language fun.
3) I was able to save my answers in the PDF files.
4) I can't wait to go over this study guide with some friends who have also read The Hobbit.
5) I did not have to hand write my answers. YEAH for me!
What the student did not like about the The Hobbit Interactive PDF Study Guide.
1) I wish that I had more time to complete the review, we had a short amount of time to use this product and I can't wait to complete the projects that are included in the study guide.
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 What this homeschool Momma liked about the The Hobbit Interactive PDF Study Guide.

1) I loved how it used the Bible to explain things.
2) The Note to Instructor section was great! Extra teaching helps are always appreciated.
3) By using the Progeny Press Interactive Study Guides you can award 1/4 credit hour on your students high school transcripts. I really like knowing this because it can sometimes be hard to figure out just how much a course is worth.
3) This study guide it full of thought provoking questions.
4) WONDERFUL answer key! Sometimes having a GREAT answer key can make the world of difference in teaching. It helps me to explain concepts better as well as takes the guessing game out of, "Do they really understand this material?"
5) The Interactive PDF was great, I did not have to hear any complaining about having to What homeschool Momma of a 7th grade boy loves to NOT have to hear that? lol
6) I liked the features like Parallelism, Dig Deeper Activities and Character Sketches.
7) It incorporates music too.
8) Teaches riddles and proverbs for critical thinking.
9) This was not an overwhelming study, we did a section per week.

What this homeschool Momma did not like about the The Hobbit Interactive PDF Study Guide.

1) NOTHING! Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner, we have another great product here!


 We were also give a copy of the Progeny Press Treasure Island Study Guide which retails for  Price: $18.99 Printed Booklet, $16.99 CD, $16.99 Instant Download. Again we were given the instant download version. The Treasure Island paperback book can be purchased from Progeny Press for $8.00. This is for grade 7th-10th. There are a few extras that are needed to do a complete study, but they are items that most of us already have on hand on our bookshelves such as: a good dictionary, Bible, topical Bible, concordance, encyclopedias, Internet access and a thesaurus.
What the student liked about the Progeny Press Treasure Island Study Guide
1) FUN FUN FUN!! I liked how the PDF study guide brought the book to life.
2) The pre-reading activities were fun too, I liked researching the different types of ships.
3) I learned some new words that I did not know before and I really liked how I could place my mouse over a word & right click, then click on "look up" to find the meaning of words.
What the student did not like about the Progeny Press Treasure Island Study Guide
1) Nothing!
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What this homeschool Momma liked about the Progeny Press Treasure Island Study Guide
1) Pretty much the same as above for The Hobbit study guide.
2) I really like how the questions made the student use thinking skills and did not just have yes and no answers. It made the learning experience richer.
3) Opened up dialog that I did not have to lead.
4) This engaged my husband as he loves literature, so it opened up some chatter between father and son.
What this homeschool Momma did not like about the Progeny Press Treasure Island Study Guide
1) Again nothing! I had read this book as a child and never did I get this much thought provoking information from that time.
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1 comment:

  1. This sounds great, heading over to their website to see if they have more of these books! JT enjoyed both Hobbit and Treasure Island! :)
