The Homeschool Gal

3 Reviews in 1 Just For You!

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What more could I ask for than to be able to review an awesome product from Simplified Pantry!The  Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Simplified Pantry is available for purchase.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this PDF file, there are so many tips and tricks for the gluten free and dairy free lifestyle. For those of us that live this each and every day, it's been a blessing to find some new recipes to add to the weekly menu plan.

Lots of slow cooker or crockpot meals for the coming hot summer days to keep your home cool, yet get good quality foods on the table for your family. No fancy ingredients, but lots of pantry items in these recipes. I love how there is a Master Pantry List.
An entire page of marinades!! Perfect for summer grilling.
How many of you say that you want to eat more healthy fish, but are not sure how to cook it? YUMMO!! 3 fish recipes.
Pasta on a gluten free diet? YOU BET! Some delicious looking recipes in the Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Simplified Pantry recipes.
Looking to add more fiber? They have bean recipes just for you!
Mexican they got that too!
Nice hearty Soups & Stews, 4 pages worth.
Full meal salads, side salads and veggie dishes too.
Desserts like Peanut Butter Cookies, Berry Sorbet, Chocolate Mousse and many more sweet treats.
And last but not least a menu planner! LOVE that! Though I wish that I could type in the PDF menu planner, that would be a wonderful added touch. I could type my menus and print it out.
My only complaint about the Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Simplified Pantry is that it suggests using frozen meat in your crockpot/slow cooker, I DO NOT AGREE WITH DOING THIS. NOR DO I ADVOCATE DOING THIS.  I will admit to having done this in the past before I took a food sanitation class and learned that the meat ends up being 3 different temperatures while cooking in the crockpot/slow cooker. Some of the meat it hot, some cool and some warm, which ends up being a hot bed for bacteria growth. So each time you are doing this you risk harming your family with food poisoning (that flu bug that everyone seems to get can actually be caused by food poisoning).
This is for any level of cook, I did not come across anything at all that was too hard or had any weirdo ingredients. I printed out a copy of the PDF and took it to one of my gluten free cooking classes that I teach at our local college for the students to look it over. Many of the people commented that the recipes looked easy and doable.
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The Simplified Pantry Blog has a few other products including a regular meal planner, Simplified Pantry. That has similar recipes to the gluten free/dairy free version. I did see some that were clearly gluten containing meals, but they could all be pretty easily converted to gluten free/dairy free recipes.
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You will also find available for purchase the Paperless Home Organization ! This is awesome and works as a binder system in a digital age. Organize everything on your Apple and Android devices!!! Both PDF and Kindle versions are available. This homeschool, unorganized, computer no-nothing Loves this. Step by step instructions on how to set it all up. This has come at the perfect time for me. I have some summer free time to play with this and have it all up and running by the start of school. This is SOOO COOL!!! I totally recommend this. 
Hope you enjoy these products, I sure have. I really enjoy being a part of the TOS Review Crew, but this review really WOW'd me, it was something fun for me as the Momma and I learned some new menu tricks that I have enjoyed implementing in our home. Thank you TOS!!

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  1. Thank you for the information about using the frozen meat! I had never heard that before. :)

  2. You are very welcome, I hope it saves someone from getting ill.
