The Homeschool Gal

What are we teaching our pre-teens & teens about SEX??

This picture says it all, I had never really thought of it this way. What have you used to teach your children about abstinence? In our home we have talked about it since the very beginning. With our son being adopted, his birthparents were college students and that helped with explaining a lot of things. Our son had a pretty good understanding of single parenting and just how difficult life is for single parents and their children. We have used God's word in the book of Proverbs and the Song of Solomon. We have also talked about King David and his sin. 

Another of my favorites is called A Chickens Guide To Talking Turkey With Your Kids About Sex. I heard an interview on Focus On The Family with the authors and liked. Got it free from the library...check it out!

What have use used in your home regarding this topic?

1 comment:

  1. We have used variety of sources for learning and discussion throughout the years. First, are you ready and willing to interact ALL day EVERY day with your partner for at least the next 25 years, and ready and willing to interact ALL day EVERY day with your child ALL day EVERY day for at least the next 25 years? If you become pregnant and give birth, which CAN happen from just ONE act of sex, then the 3 of you will be a UNIT for life. i have said this to any kid regardless of religion. And, of course, there is the biological discussion of reproduction. I think I talked about animals when young, and later humans, using more graphic descriptions according to age. Also talked about emotions involved, and society's views of relationships. It's worth waiting because so much can change in your life from one action. We also have serious discussions about choosing your friends and girlfriend/boyfriend carefully.
