The Homeschool Gal

Give Credit, Where Credit Is Due...In The Homeschool

Here is a link to an awesome post about high school credits in the homeschool and how to relax a bit. Coming from credit based system


Picked the Card "Go Directly To Hospital, Do Not Pass Go!"

Go Directly To Hospital, Do Not Pass Go! So this is where I have been for 10 days! lol...I'm on the mend but sure don't want to go through this again.

The Lord is always good in the opportunities He gives us! A friend called or texted me (can't remember which as things are still fuzzy) and told me that I was a medical missionary. I said I was ready for some furlough big time! hahaha...

I had an abscess in my pelvic region. Local ER thought it was appendix, but then transferred me up to the big city where my wonderful colorectal surgeon and infectious disease doctor (saw him due to antibiotic allergies) took great care of me. There was blood between my right ovary, right side intestines and appendix. I've pretty much always had an accumulation of fluid in that area, which always turned out to be nothing. It happens to lots of women each month, they get ovarian cysts and don't know it, they burst and the fluid is absorbed by the body, nothing happens. Well some turn into infections and mind did. I got my PIC line installed and will be on IV antibiotics. Then if all goes well I am done (could happen again though), if that is not the cause of it all, then they will have to go in and scope me to see what is going on. I had a CT, MRI and ultrasounds this week. It's very hard to see that area of the body as all those organs are squished together (no better way to explain it) and are in a very tight space. So this is why it's hard to get an accurate diagnosis. They are also concerns about if I have to have another abdominal surgery, due to scar tissues that may have formed. So prayers on several fronts would be great. Praising the Lord that I had opportunity to pray with a nurse and I was totally bless to have been on the same floor as last year in Jan/Feb and when several nurses & Techs heard that I was back in, they came and paid me a visit. Many told me what a sweetheart of a patient I am. Now I am not saying these things to brag on myself, trust me I have bawled my eyes out over the way the Lord has used me in all of this. But what I am trying to say is, let your light shine in the good and in the bad times. Don't hide the fact that you are hurting or suffering, but give all honor and glory to the Lord. The nurse I prayed with shared with me that she knew of doctors that could SEE a visible difference in a way that patients/families dealt with crisis or death, and that doctors had come to faith in Jesus based on what a patient exhibited during a health crisis. I keep going back to the verse from
1 Corinthians 3:6 "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." Much to be in prayer about the watering aspect!! The Lord is in control, I stilled cried though

I found some really cute Lego figures that are doctors and surgeons. I bought a few on Ebay and plan to hand those out with thank you notes to the doctors and take some snack goodies to the nurses and Techs.

My surgeon & ID doctors were wonderful as usual, they told me that there was nothing that I could have done to cause this or keep it from happening, it was just bad luck on my part. I told him I don't believe in bad luck
;-) What I do believe in is divine appointments and I am pretty sure that the Lord has had a few for me.


Cool Flashcard Ideas

I came across this really cool website while the homeschooled young man was listing to a podcast on the blog, she had this cool post about flashcards.

I'm always looking for something fun and interesting to do in our homeschool. I tended to think of flashcards as a way to learn math facts (addition, multiplication) and not as just another way to study. Well Leah has opened up my eyes to a whole new world!

Head on over to her blog and see what she has to offer.


New Blog Name Needed-Help Us To Name It

So the homeschooled young man would like to start a blog about Lego, teens, homeschooling, civil war re-enacting, college, medical school and general chit chat. This would be a nice clean place for kids to hang out and shoot the breeze over things that matter in life.
His blog needs a name? Got any ideas? We came up with Homeschool2MedSchool, but it seems kind of long. He wants to somehow incorporate homeschooling and medical school in the title. You could be the one that has the most awesome blog name idea for us! So come on and offer up your help. Let us see what we come up with.


Moe & The Homeschooled Young Man

Remember my Facebook post?

I came across this article and found it very interesting, what do you think? Facebook Takes Place Of Bible.

Remember my Facebook Fast post? Well I made it to about last weekend. I did sneak on a few times for about 5 min or less, I had to PM a few people that I don't have RL (real life) info for.

I actually found it pretty hard to not use FB, because it's really become a part of our lifestyles. I needed to reach someone, I needed info about our homeschool group, I needed to check on some FB freebies from a homeschooling site.

Now what I did get away from was the mindless hitting of the page down button to see what all my 'friends' were doing. That seems to be a real time eater.

Today I popped on to find that a college buddy of mine was down about something. So I put a smile face on his post and picked up the phone and put feet to my Christianity and spent some real phone time with him.

My friend that did the FB fast with me ran into a trouble spot too. Her father became ill and she needed to let several family members know and ask friends to pray, but no time to call everyone. What is the quickest way to get the word out (advertisers know it!) FACEBOOK!

One thing that has made FB faster for me is that I get email updates and if it's something that I need to see, I click on it, if not I delete it. This way I am not trying to page down through all the game requests, video's, and junk that I don't need/want to see.

Then I look at the media foot print that our kids are suppose to have for college interviews and workplace tech. How on earth do we do that and monitor all of it?

Facebook is starting to become like cell phones, how did we EVER live without it?


Time For A Celebration!

Time For A Celebration! We have celebrated my 1 Year anniversary after having had my 2 handed lap assisted Sigmoidectomy with full mobilization of the splenic flexure (AKA Sigmoid Colon removed). Which turned out not to and then I had an Anastomotic leak and infection. Yes, I am pretty much the patient that gives a doctor

These are made with Better Batter's Yellow Cake mix and just some icing I made with corn free powdered sugar & soy milk. YUM!

For those that know my story you can stop here at the cupcakes, grab one and enjoy! They are gluten free, corn free and dairy free too!! (with the exception of the chocolate heart on top). If you don't know my story read on below to learn more.

For those that don't know me, Jan 23, 2014 was a year since I had my surgery, a foot of sigmoid colon removed, I had done well got out in 3 1/2 days, then spiked a fever on day number 6 and ended up back in the hospital for 9 days due to a leak at my anastimosis. My recovery lasted from January until about the end of March before I could do much of anything at all (surgeon told me first of summer I would be up and running). I think I did well and had a GREAT surgeon and infectious disease doctor so that helped a ton! Having the Lord on my side was a major factor too :) So things have been going well in the year since surgery, I will tell folks that I still have weird sensations down by my large incision, sometimes it feels hot, cold, wet etc (even though it is not), I figure it's nerves healing, I have been told it can take more than a year for that to straighten out. I still feel slightly bruised when leaning into things, such as being short and having to reach into the bottom of the washing machine to get clothes out, once in a while I have a sort of stitch pain (like when you run too fast for too long you get that stitch in your side) on the left side behind my ribs, I think that is from the splenic flexure that I had done. Surgeon told me that they really moved stuff around in! I could sure tell that. I guess after they cut out your bad colon, they have to carefully move it down and re-route it sometimes so that there is enough length to reattach you. YES!! I would have the surgery done again EVEN with everything I went though!! I will say the surgery was almost more emotionally hard than physically hard (even with the leak and infection). After the years of suffering, life is good! I've not had any of those weirdo slight fever/chills illnesses I would get every 6 weeks or so, in a full year. I would pick the same doctors too! Search out a GREAT colorectal surgeon, not a general surgeon and not a gastric surgeon, but a colorectal one if you need this type of surgery. It is so key to have a surgeon that has done many of these and is competent. 

A BIRTHDAY shout out to two of my readers!!!

VAL & KELLY!!! Wishing you both blessed and enjoyable birthdays!!!

Just take a day, put on your favorite comfortable clothes and lay in front of the heater!!
This is also called "A day in the life of my Pug"
Love ya,