Wife, Homeschooler, Mom, Gluten Free Cook and Blogger.
The Homeschool Gal
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Eggs for Education
Our photo for "Eggs for Education" program. Thought we should start saving for college by selling eggs. Here is one of our pretty...
Laying down on the job!
Our girls are really laying down on the job! They have not laid well in weeks. Most of our girls are molting and looking pretty shabby.....
Weigh in day
Today was weigh in day for our chickens, two of them were 1 lbs 3 oz, and the rest were all around 3 lbs, 8oz. So they are looking pret...
So everyone laid an egg and at bedtime there was an extra egg in the nesting boxes. Things that make you go HMM........lol. Someon...
Chicken Foot Soup
We finally got the chicken feet out of the freezer and cooked them up. It was a family affair and lots of fun. Well worth it too. The fee...
Chicken is done! YUM!
Well I thawed out one of our farm fresh chickens from the freezer and baked it today. I added just a touch of salt on the skin and baked for...
Farm Fresh Eggs for sale
Yesterday was our first trip to the farmers market. We sold out of farm fresh eggs within minutes. It was our first crop of eggs with the p...
Our first EGG!
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy ch...
Crazy Mamma
We call this one Crazy Mamma, all the kids think it's is mean looking and are scared of it. She/he reminds us of the Looney Tunes cartoo...
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