Wife, Homeschooler, Mom, Gluten Free Cook and Blogger.
The Homeschool Gal
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Melted Snowman Cookies
These are SO CUTE! They are NOT gluten free or dairy free, but I think something could be changed to make them that way. They are just dar...
Favorite stocking stuffer & it's FREE!
This is a favorite stocking stuffer in our house. The coupon booklet , click the link and you can design your very own coupon booklet!! Cli...
"Praise God Anyway"
Sometimes our lives feel like we just dropped our ice cream cone and we are missing out. I love this Precious Moments quote: "Prais...
Waiting, Waiting, Waiting
That is what life seems to be all about. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 "And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the pati...
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