Khan Academy has some new updates and a new dashboard! Sign up today and check them out.
Khan Academy has TONS of subject areas, videos, worktext problems, solutions and much more! I do know that the science is NOT Bible based, but there is still some decent info that can be gleaned from Khan Academy.
Sal is an AWESOME teacher and I just love how he goes about teaching, he is also very funny. I have to laugh he sounds exactly like a guy that I use to DJ with back in the 80's. One of those weird kinda things that when you close your eyes you can picture that I do that every time I hear Sal's voice.
Our Homeschool young man enjoyed watching the medical video's that are on Khan Academy. Lots of pretty cool stuff on there. I remember back in the first years of Khan Academy, there were just lists of videos to watch. With the NEW and improved Khan Academy there are parent/student accounts, a dashboard, a reminder system, points system and suggestions of materials to look at and learn.
Check them out!
Doorposts Bible Study Review
We were so excited to get to be a part of this review! My son had such an awesome learning experience while participating in the review for Doorposts "Because You Are Strong" A study of Godly Strength for Young Men by Daniel Forster. The softcover book retails for $14.00 but is currently on sale on the Doorposts website for $12.00. It's a steal even at the full price!
WOW!! What an awesome devotional book. I almost hesitate to call it a devotional. When I think of a devotional book, I tend to think of, oh maybe 2 or 3 paragraphs, a few thought provoking questions to ponder and a one sentence Bible verse that ties it all in. This is so not what Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men is all about.
Doorposts is a name that our family has come to trust over the years. We have lots of their items that we have used over the years with great success and let me be the first to tell you (before you read what the other TOS Reviewers had to say.) this devotional for young men is
unbelievable, it's full of meat and potatoes and not just milk and honey. It digs down deep and makes the boys think and contemplate on what is being taught. Don't get me wrong, your son does NOT have to be a seminary student to understand the material presented in the Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men, it's all done in an easy to read and understandable format.
On a side note the author of the book Daniel Forster is a homeschool graduate and also manager of Doorposts. Forster is married and has three children. My son thought that was pretty cool.
What this Homeschool Momma liked about Doorposts "Because You Are Strong" A study of Godly Strength for Young Men by Daniel Forster.
1) Well for one thing I can tell that this was written by a former homeschool boy in that there is ample room for writing. know how our homeschool boys like to write? lol...lots of room to write, cross out, write some more. Love that. Usually there is like 1 tiny little line to write on smooshed in between sentences and the boys write in there and we can't read it! LOVE THIS!
2) I liked how this study was full of meat and potatoes and not just a few lines to read, a question and a single Bible verse like many devotion books of today, but thinking of the quality of Doorposts I knew it would be good.
3) I liked how this held my sons attention, I did not have to get after him to have his daily devotions. Which for a Christian homeschool momma that is a blessing.
4) The Bible study tools were incredible; we now have a desktop full of great Bible study tools at the click of a mouse.
5) I teach Sunday School to 1-3 graders at church and have shared many of the Bible websites with the kids as many of them like to play online. I thought these would be great for them to have some wholesome websites to play around on and learn about God's word.
6) Easy to use for boys ages 12 and up.
7) I enjoyed the History of the Strong's Concordance, I had no idea that there was any real history behind that book! So the old homeschool Momma learned something new!
8) Math skills! You all know that I like to pull in all areas of schooling when we are working on something. Well I see math skills in this book! They have some graphing activities...YIPPE!!!
9) Teaches Bible study methods which is a skill our young men will use for the rest of their lives and pass on to the next generation (our Grandchildren).
10) The book goes over literary style in the Bible, I am lacking in knowledged in this area and gleaned a lot from this. Teaches about context, cross referencing, biographical sketches, summary and application of the materials.
What this Homeschool Momma did not like about Doorposts "Because You Are Strong" A study of Godly Strength for Young Men by Daniel Forster.
1) I honestly could not come up with a single thing, well with the exception of there are no pictures in the book or cartoon images. Which that is not a dislike exactly, it's a personal preference on my part. I like to see pictures or cute cartoons.
What this Homeschool young man liked about Doorposts "Because You Are Strong" A study of Godly Strength for Young Men by Daniel Forster.
LOL...Where do I begin? There was so much going on in daily each lesson that I'm not sure where to begin so I will just start firing things off.
1) The Bible Study websites, I had so much fun digging around in those and I learned a lot by looking at the different maps and commentaries. We have a commentary in paperback, but it was neat to have one online that I could look at and cross reference as I worked through the book.
2) I looked forward to each day to find out what new thing I was going to learn.
3) I liked how I could do more than 1 study per day, seems like the every day ordinary old devotional you are suppose to stop and then start on the next day with a new devotional. Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men continued from day to day for several days. So everything ties in together.
4) My favorite chapters of the book were A Topical Study on the Omnipotence of God and A Character Study of Sampson.
5) LOVED the Bible programs and Mobile Apps. I'm still having fun with these even after the review.
6) I liked the word studies and the "For additional study" sections of the book. They helped me to get a better understanding of the topics I was studying.
What this Homeschool young man did not like about Doorposts "Because You Are Strong" A study of Godly Strength for Young Men by Daniel Forster.
I think a few things you might want to have on hand (you can get these for FREE online if you GOOGLE them.
Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men author recommends using a Nave's Topical Bible and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.
I would add the following items.
2 Bibles with different translations
Study Bible
topical Bible
Bible dictionary
commentary (the book recommends Matthew Henry's, but we were fine using one we had on hand already)
So all in all we are saying this one is a KEEPER!! We would expect nothing less from Doorposts!!
How To Make Your Homeschool Day Easier?
An easier homeschool day? How can it be?
Another great blog post from 10
Ways To Make Your Homeschooling Days Easier
I am stealing several of
these ideas!! PRICE REDUCTION Old Schoolhouse EXPO just $17.00
You're late for class,
but that's OK! We have a special price for you, just $17 for the entire Old Schoolhouse EXPO!
Experience the final days of homeschool encouragement 22-23, 2013 and read my review below of Andrew Pudewa session. "Can’t make the exact times and dates listed? You won’t miss out! The annual week long Schoolhouse Expo recordings will be available with the price of your Expo ticket. You will receive a link to the recordings after the expo week is complete." Don't miss the special pricing that is going on right now just $17.00 for the entire EXPO!! What a deal!
Children like to do what they can do, they want to do what they think they can do, and they hate to do what they think they cannot do. If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand these key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, children will learn it, and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest."
The homeschooled student listened to Mr. Pudewa and promptly informed me (in a nice manner) that he is a perfectly normal boy! Tapping his pencil and making nosies while doing school work is all part of being a boy!
What the homeschooled boy did not like about Andrew Pudewa's talk:
The audio took some time to get right and that took up a bit of time. I was very eager to listen as I had hurried up to finish my school work in order to listen.
What the homeschooled boy liked about Andrew Pudewa's talk:
I learned that boys and girls are different, even though it sure does seem to me that the world says we are all the same :O(
I liked the slides,
I like to stand up when I learn and my parents are always wanting me to sit down (I think they are changing their minds on this point).
The homeschooled student listened to Mr. Pudewa and promptly informed me (in a nice manner) that he is a perfectly normal boy! Tapping his pencil and making nosies while doing school work is all part of being a boy!
What the homeschooled boy did not like about Andrew Pudewa's talk:
The audio took some time to get right and that took up a bit of time. I was very eager to listen as I had hurried up to finish my school work in order to listen.
What the homeschooled boy liked about Andrew Pudewa's talk:
I learned that boys and girls are different, even though it sure does seem to me that the world says we are all the same :O(
I liked the slides,
I like to stand up when I learn and my parents are always wanting me to sit down (I think they are changing their minds on this point).
Thursday hear
Carol Topp Microbusiness for Teens
David Gibbs, III & Christine Field Understanding Your Rights as a Homeschooler and Person of Faith
Terri Johnson Facing the Giant… Homeschooling Through High School
Hal and Melanie Young Shining Armor
Deborah Wuehler Prayer, Power, and Perseverance!
Bonnie Rose Hudson How to Write for The Old Schoolhouse and the TOS Family
David Gibbs, III & Christine Field Understanding Your Rights as a Homeschooler and Person of Faith
Terri Johnson Facing the Giant… Homeschooling Through High School
Hal and Melanie Young Shining Armor
Deborah Wuehler Prayer, Power, and Perseverance!
Bonnie Rose Hudson How to Write for The Old Schoolhouse and the TOS Family
Friday hear
Davis Carman Give Me One Good Reason To Homeschool
Malia Russell Homeschooling Through Times Of Transition
Jay Wile & Diana Waring Textbook Myths And How To Deal With Them
Hal and Melanie Young Writing/publishing workshop
Heather Laurie Homeschooling Multiple Children with Special Needs
Hal and Melanie Young Writing/publishing workshop
Heather Laurie Homeschooling Multiple Children with Special Needs
Time for a YUMMY recipe
Gluten Free Marble Cupcakes
I got this from a friend on a gluten free/casein free group. They are yummy and I just took my first batch out of the oven. I think the next batch I will skip the marble part, I'm not a big cocoa fan. But these are still really good!! Head on over to Marcie's blog for the recipe (click here)
NO milk, NO eggs, NO soy, NO wheat or gluten, NO
tree nuts, NO peanuts, NO fish, NO Shellfish, yet these taste
You can see one missing in the bottom right hand corner, I snatched on and ate it. YUM!!
And for those of you who are not big pumpkin fans, don't worry, these are not pumpkin flavored!! Though I am now thinking that when I leave the cocoa out of the next batch, that I might add in some pumpkin pie spice. I will report back on how that goes.
Back to baking!
Moe's Top 10 Reasons Why...
Moe's Top 10 Reasons Why...You Need To Be A Part Of Your State's Home Education Association.
As homeschoolers we like to be different and be on our I lie? NOT!
In the case of state home education associations we have strength in numbers. Here are just a few things that your state home education association can and should offer you.
1) Information on changing homeschool laws and what we can do about them.
2) An annual home education state convention.
3) A listing of local homeschool groups throughout your state for you to join.
4) Help and encouragement for homeschoolers at different stages (beginner, grade school, junior high, high school, special needs)
5) Information about local and state events.
6) Updates on things like Common Core, graduation requirements, drivers ed and lots more.
7) Tips for preparing for each new stage of homeschooling.
8) Ideas for passing on the baton of homeschooling from you to your children's children.
9) TONS of resources for FREE!
So what are you waiting for? Do a GOOGLE search for your state's homeschool association to see what you have been missing out on!
And the winner of the Old Schoolhouse EXPO ticket is.....
Martha Bashir
A big congrats goes out to Martha! Martha, please take time after you attend the Old Schoolhouse EXPO to share with us what you gleaned from the EXPO and also share a bit about yourself and your homeschool journey.
I will be sending you the code for your FREE EXPO.
Experience homeschool encouragement all week long with
the Week Long Schoolhouse Expo Event. Dates: August 19-23,
Speakers include:
Does this make your heart ache?
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My little Powder Monkey on the left, at a Civil War Re-Enactment. |
I got this from a friend this week, made my heart ache.
"A note from Mrs.______, my son's new teacher in honor of next Monday, the first day of school :
'Twas the night before school started,
When all through the town,
The parents were cheering,
It was a riotous sound!
By eight, kids were washed
And tucked into bed...
When memories of homework
Filled them with dread.
New pencils, new folders, new notebooks, too!
New teachers, new friends...
Their anxiety grew!
The parents just giggled when
They learned of this fright
And shouted upstairs-
"Go to bed! It's a school night!"
I've heard a few of my son's friends complaining about the new teachers that they are going to have for school this year. I ask my son if he told his friends "Look at me, I've had the same teacher for 7 years! LOL." He just smiled and told me "NO!" The kids have teased him about starting back to school in July, but what those kids miss out on is our AWESOME fall break that we take to attend fall festivals, shopping trips to the Amish lands, Civil War Re-Enactment weekend, and our exciting time of going to see Dr. Ben Carson speak. Our classroom does not have 4 walls, our classroom is our God given world.
What excites you about this new year of homeschooling?
Notgrass Company Homeschool Review
As part of the TOS Review crew we received five ebooks in the series from Notgrass Company which included the physical book Proverbs and the following Ebooks: Draw to Learn Acts, Draw to Learn Proverbs, Draw to Learn Psalms, Draw to Learn the Letters of Paul, and the Draw to Learn the Life of Jesus.
I must say that this was one of the toughest reviews that we have been given to do. My son is not an artsy type of person, he does not enjoy drawing or even doodling. I thought maybe this would be a review that would change those things, but it did not. When he did draw he thought his drawings looked babyish and like stick figures, he was quite embarrassed by his drawings. So please as you read my review be thinking of your own child and how they may enjoy the Draw to Learn K-8 series in your homeschool. Kids and adults would be a good fit for this product.
Here is a bit of history on the Notgrass Company, they are a family owned and operated business that started back in 1999. They are meeting the needs of homeschooling families by providing Bible based curriculum that are easy to use by homeschooling parents. My favorite quote from the website is "We are proud of you for making the choice to homeschool, and we believe that you can be successful. Why are we so confident? Because we believe in God who daily provides everything we need to do what He asks us to do. You are on a wonderful adventure. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride!" This is so true and from reading their website and using their products I can tell you that the Notgrass Company truly cares about our home educating families.
The Notgrass Company website has some fun things to check out too! Besides links to all their K-high school materials, they also have a section with articles, new product news, family activities, and much more.
We used the Draw to Learn K-8 series as part of our daily devotions, I was very excited about reviewing the Notgrass Company products and using the sketch book, since we were going through a Proverbs devotional book during our family devotions time. I thought it would tie right in. It did tie in perfectly, but I had a reluctant drawer. The materials are spot on Biblically and are easy to read and understand. In the back of my mind I wish that we had also been given the Learn to Draw, I think that might have been helpful to my not artsy son. I think that if your child does NOT have perfectionist tendencies they will be happy just drawing away on the pages.
Using the Notgrass Company's Draw to Learn K-8 homeschool art curriculum I found that it helped our son to think more concretely about the Bible passages that we read in Proverbs through using his imagination in his drawings. Ray and Charlene Notgrass have done an awesome job at bringing the book of Proverbs alive through the Draw to Learn series.
Each lesson should take 45 minutes or longer. They ask that you spend time making your drawings,
add details and show the surroundings.
Notgrass Company recommends purchasing Prismacolor Thick Lead brand colored pencils by Sanford (these are a bit pricey so be sure to use a 40% off coupon from your favorite craft store :O) I have used these myself and they are wonderful, I would put the Prismacolor pencils away after each use and let the kids use the cheap-o colored pencils for other stuff. I think sometimes it makes art time fun when we as homeschool moms bring out the "special" tools of the trade.
They recommend using real objects, people and scenery to look at while drawing, instead of just your imagination. I think this was a major issue with us in my son just wanting to use his vivid imagination.
The authors tell you that you can draw "realistic" people, "cartoon style" or "stick people", this was a hard concept for my 13 year old as he was embarrassed by his drawings being so childlike.
They ask that you use the entire drawing box for your art work.
Put a piece of heavy paper behind your sketch book page so that you don't get indentations from drawing or coloring on to your next sketch page.
The authors explain that you should sketch your drawing in first, using a light hand, then darkened up the drawings as you go. My son was not much of a sketcher, he would just start drawing away.
Look over the lesson for tomorrow to see if you need any props or pictures to guide you.
The authors tell you to "always keep a sense of wonder at God's amazing power."
You know I am always looking to see how one subject matter can lead into another subject? Well you have that right here with the Draw to Learn K-8 series, you can do further Bible study with older students, you can work on handwriting by copying the Bible verses each day, work on art skills which have been lacking in our homeschool, work on science as the authors explain "when you make drawings about crops, read a book about farming." As for history, geography and math by researching about weights and measures, of today and in Bible times. Creative writing can be worked on through writing stories or research papers on the materials being studied. You can also work on Notebooking and Unit Studies using the materials from the Notgrass Company. As well as character studies. So I am thinking that we are covering a wide variety of subject matter here with JUST ONE BOOK! The Draw to Learn K-8 series Proverbs book retails for just $14.95 for the physical book. The Ebook is just $9.95 and the exciting thing about the Ebook is that you OWN IT! You can make as many copies as you want for use in your household. So if you have 5 children, you do not need to buy 5 Ebooks, you can legally make copies of the Ebooks for each of your children.
Even though this review as not the best fit for our family I do hope that you will give the Notgrass Company a try, some good has come out of this TOS review for us, I see that we are lacking in the art department and need to work on that.
Click below to see what my buddies over on the TOS Review crew thought of the products that they had the privilege to review from the Notgrass Company.

I must say that this was one of the toughest reviews that we have been given to do. My son is not an artsy type of person, he does not enjoy drawing or even doodling. I thought maybe this would be a review that would change those things, but it did not. When he did draw he thought his drawings looked babyish and like stick figures, he was quite embarrassed by his drawings. So please as you read my review be thinking of your own child and how they may enjoy the Draw to Learn K-8 series in your homeschool. Kids and adults would be a good fit for this product.
Here is a bit of history on the Notgrass Company, they are a family owned and operated business that started back in 1999. They are meeting the needs of homeschooling families by providing Bible based curriculum that are easy to use by homeschooling parents. My favorite quote from the website is "We are proud of you for making the choice to homeschool, and we believe that you can be successful. Why are we so confident? Because we believe in God who daily provides everything we need to do what He asks us to do. You are on a wonderful adventure. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride!" This is so true and from reading their website and using their products I can tell you that the Notgrass Company truly cares about our home educating families.
The Notgrass Company website has some fun things to check out too! Besides links to all their K-high school materials, they also have a section with articles, new product news, family activities, and much more.
We used the Draw to Learn K-8 series as part of our daily devotions, I was very excited about reviewing the Notgrass Company products and using the sketch book, since we were going through a Proverbs devotional book during our family devotions time. I thought it would tie right in. It did tie in perfectly, but I had a reluctant drawer. The materials are spot on Biblically and are easy to read and understand. In the back of my mind I wish that we had also been given the Learn to Draw, I think that might have been helpful to my not artsy son. I think that if your child does NOT have perfectionist tendencies they will be happy just drawing away on the pages.
Using the Notgrass Company's Draw to Learn K-8 homeschool art curriculum I found that it helped our son to think more concretely about the Bible passages that we read in Proverbs through using his imagination in his drawings. Ray and Charlene Notgrass have done an awesome job at bringing the book of Proverbs alive through the Draw to Learn series.
Below are the Ebooks that we were given during this TOS review.
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Ebook $9.95 |
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Ebook $9.95 |
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Ebook $9.95 |
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Ebook $9.95 |
The instructions for use are very simple and easy to use. The authors offer up these suggestions.
Each lesson should take 45 minutes or longer. They ask that you spend time making your drawings,
add details and show the surroundings.
Notgrass Company recommends purchasing Prismacolor Thick Lead brand colored pencils by Sanford (these are a bit pricey so be sure to use a 40% off coupon from your favorite craft store :O) I have used these myself and they are wonderful, I would put the Prismacolor pencils away after each use and let the kids use the cheap-o colored pencils for other stuff. I think sometimes it makes art time fun when we as homeschool moms bring out the "special" tools of the trade.
They recommend using real objects, people and scenery to look at while drawing, instead of just your imagination. I think this was a major issue with us in my son just wanting to use his vivid imagination.
The authors tell you that you can draw "realistic" people, "cartoon style" or "stick people", this was a hard concept for my 13 year old as he was embarrassed by his drawings being so childlike.
They ask that you use the entire drawing box for your art work.
Put a piece of heavy paper behind your sketch book page so that you don't get indentations from drawing or coloring on to your next sketch page.
The authors explain that you should sketch your drawing in first, using a light hand, then darkened up the drawings as you go. My son was not much of a sketcher, he would just start drawing away.
Look over the lesson for tomorrow to see if you need any props or pictures to guide you.
The authors tell you to "always keep a sense of wonder at God's amazing power."
You know I am always looking to see how one subject matter can lead into another subject? Well you have that right here with the Draw to Learn K-8 series, you can do further Bible study with older students, you can work on handwriting by copying the Bible verses each day, work on art skills which have been lacking in our homeschool, work on science as the authors explain "when you make drawings about crops, read a book about farming." As for history, geography and math by researching about weights and measures, of today and in Bible times. Creative writing can be worked on through writing stories or research papers on the materials being studied. You can also work on Notebooking and Unit Studies using the materials from the Notgrass Company. As well as character studies. So I am thinking that we are covering a wide variety of subject matter here with JUST ONE BOOK! The Draw to Learn K-8 series Proverbs book retails for just $14.95 for the physical book. The Ebook is just $9.95 and the exciting thing about the Ebook is that you OWN IT! You can make as many copies as you want for use in your household. So if you have 5 children, you do not need to buy 5 Ebooks, you can legally make copies of the Ebooks for each of your children.
Even though this review as not the best fit for our family I do hope that you will give the Notgrass Company a try, some good has come out of this TOS review for us, I see that we are lacking in the art department and need to work on that.
Click below to see what my buddies over on the TOS Review crew thought of the products that they had the privilege to review from the Notgrass Company.
Chance to win a FREE ticket for the Schoolhouse EXPO event!!
Experience homeschool
encouragement all week long with the Week Long Schoolhouse Expo Event. Dates:
August 19-23, 2013
Click here...Don't miss out! Register today!
Speakers include:
Hal & Melanie Young, Raising Real Men
Don't miss out on one of my favorite conference speakers, I've never had the privleged to meet Hal & Melanie Young, but I own their book Raising Real Men and I have a ton of their conference CD's.
Two topics that they will be bringing to us at the Schoolhouse EXPO will be "Making it through the battle for purity to courting his bride. Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men." And "Getting Published and Getting It Launched – It doesn’t do any good to write a great book if no one ever knows about it. Learn how to get your book published and more important, get it known! Hal and Melanie Young, award-winning authors of Raising Real Men, share what they’ve learned about the book industry and how you can make or break the launch of your book."
I've actually heard Andrew Pudewa do this talk at a homeschool convention, I bought the MP3 of it and listen to it each year before school starts so that I remember that my SON IS NORMAL! lol.
Almanzo Wilder DVD Review "Life Before Laura"
Everyone who knows me, knows that I am not a big TV or movie watcher, so I was a bit nervous about this TOS Review Crew task of watching the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura. Legacy Documentaries has done an EXCELLENT job with this DVD. I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed watching, I think it brought back some childhood memories of watching Little House On The Prairie. Homeschool Momma, Dad & only child sat down to watch this DVD together.
What this homeschool Momma liked about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.
1) Love the entire DVD!
2) Teaches work ethic and doing a good job no matter what the chore is.
3) Great for both boys & girls to watch.
4) Spent a wonderful family evening together watching.
5) FOOD! Oh, my the talk of food, it was so good sounding! We had just eaten dinner and watching this made us hungry all over again!
6) Talk of courtship.
7) The sketches throughout were beautiful.
8) Parts of the show reminded me of playing with paper dolls.
9) Excellent reminder of parental roles!
10) Reminder of the role that children play in the home.
11) The DVD teaches the importance of education, bonding of family, honesty, hard work, siblings getting along and much more!
What this homeschool Momma did not like about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.
1) I was sitting there at the end thinking "MORE, MORE, MORE! So I was wishing for a longer DVD.
What the homeschool teenager liked about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.
1) I liked the excerpts from the "Farmer Boy" book.
3) It made me want to go to the Homestead and see it for myself.
4) It was pretty cool to see the places that I had read about.
5)I liked how the excerpts were acted out. Everyone looked different than I had expected.
6) I liked how it taught about having control over your temper.
7) It taught the importance of education and honesty.
8) Talked about parental authority.
9) I like the horses and seeing what went into training them.
What the homeschool teenager did not like about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.
1) Can't think of a thing! Maybe wishing it was longer?
Below is a YouTube video of a portion of Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura by Legacy Documentaries which retails for $21.95, the DVD is suitable for all ages from those that have enjoyed having Farmer Boy read them to up through adulthood. The Walnut Grove Store carries the DVD along with other treasures from the days of Laura's life and Almanzo's life.
We really enjoyed the telling of how the books were written, how there was such a drastic difference in the way that Almanzo and Laura grew up in regards to the abundance of food in the Wilder home verses the Ingalls home. The romanace was so sweet and innocent throughout. Life on the farm is seen, the background of what Almanzo's life was life before he met Laura. There was an explaination of how the Wilder and Ingalls family came to live where they did. There is some discussion about the Wilder Homestead as well as some exciting places to visit and vacation ideas for the family that likes Little House On The Prairie.
All and all this is a family friendly video with much learning involved, very well produced and a great documentary.
The Old Schoolhouse EXPO Special Event
Experience homeschool encouragement all week long with the Week Long Schoolhouse Expo Event. Dates: August 19-23, 2013
Speakers include:
Schoolhouse Expo coming soon...
Homeschool freebie of the day for HIGH SCHOOL
Fun game to test your self on the Periodic Table of Elements.
This is really cool! You can even save it to your computer to work on when offline.
Blank Periodic Table to print out.
This is really cool! You can even save it to your computer to work on when offline.
Blank Periodic Table to print out.
God is good all the time!
The statement "God is good all the time" can be a hard pill to swallow at times. Much of 2013 has been a hard pill for me to swallow.
But I keep in mind that God is good all the time. Because He has my best interest in mind. He knows what is best for my life. He also knows how all the puzzle pieces fit together now and in the future.
As I sit here waiting on my final medical test that will be done on August 13, I think WOW all the opportunities that the Lord has allowed into my life to bring Him up and talk about His sovereignty with so many that do not know Him. Oh, they know about a God, they know about a Heaven, they know about the book the Bible exists, but they do not know the one true God, Jesus Christ and sadly they do not have a relationship with Him. Others are hiding their salt and light under a bushel.
Sadly, often times true Christianity is a secret life for many, a hidden treasure that they keep for only themselves. I hope you will not keep your faith hidden from others.
In sharing my faith with those in the medical profession who have cared for me over the last few years, the Lord has blessed me richly. Take today for instance, just another ordinary school day, nothing too exciting besides textbooks and meal prep (my current mission field). The mail arrives and an excited teenager appears with an envelope and starts yelling "OPEN IT OPEN IT!! It's a note from Dr. X." I thought what on earth is Dr. X doing sending me a note? It's probably a bill! Dr. X is a busy colorectal surgeon with a practice, he is teaching faculty with a major university, has a family and lots more on his plate than taking time to write me a note.
The handwritten note was thanking me for keeping him up to date on the Mayo Clinic results as well as how I am progressing. He also congratulated the teenager on winning a Blue ribbon, getting an A rating and state fair for his 4-H Health project entitled Diverticular Disease & Prevention. The teenager was blessed by this too.
So, who can you bless today with a note? Think on it, it only takes a few minutes to jot down a few sentences and mail off a note. Who can you encourage today?
I am not a big fan of the Message Bible, but sometimes I like the way that version explains things. Such as this one...
"I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11
God is good all the time!
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