The Homeschool Gal

Almanzo Wilder DVD Review "Life Before Laura"

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Everyone who knows me, knows that I am not a big TV or movie watcher, so I was a bit nervous about this TOS Review Crew task of watching the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura. Legacy Documentaries has done an EXCELLENT job with this DVD. I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed watching, I think it brought back some childhood memories of watching Little House On The Prairie. Homeschool Momma, Dad & only child sat down to watch this DVD together.

What this homeschool Momma liked about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.

1) Love the entire DVD!
2) Teaches work ethic and doing a good job no matter what the chore is.
3) Great for both boys & girls to watch.
4) Spent a wonderful family evening together watching.
5) FOOD! Oh, my the talk of food, it was so good sounding! We had just eaten dinner and watching this made us hungry all over again!
6) Talk of courtship.
7) The sketches throughout were beautiful.
8) Parts of the show reminded me of playing with paper dolls.
9) Excellent reminder of parental roles!
10) Reminder of the role that children play in the home.
11) The DVD teaches the importance of education, bonding of family, honesty, hard work, siblings getting along and much more!

What this homeschool Momma did not like about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.

1) I was sitting there at the end thinking "MORE, MORE, MORE! So I was wishing for a longer DVD.

What the homeschool teenager liked about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.

1) I liked the excerpts from the "Farmer Boy" book.
3) It made me want to go to the Homestead and see it for myself.
4) It was pretty cool to see the places that I had read about.
5)I liked how the excerpts were acted out. Everyone looked different than I had expected.
6) I liked how it taught about having control over your temper.
7) It taught the importance of education and honesty.
8) Talked about parental authority.
9) I like the horses and seeing what went into training them.

What the homeschool teenager did not like about the Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura.

1) Can't think of a thing! Maybe wishing it was longer?

Below is a YouTube video of a portion of Almanzo Wilder DVD entitled Life Before Laura by Legacy Documentaries which retails for $21.95, the DVD is suitable for all ages from those that have enjoyed having Farmer Boy read them to up through adulthood. The Walnut Grove Store carries the DVD along with other treasures from the days of Laura's life and Almanzo's life.

We really enjoyed the telling of how the books were written, how there was such a drastic difference in the way that Almanzo and Laura grew up in regards to the abundance of food in the Wilder home verses the Ingalls home. The romanace was so sweet and innocent throughout. Life on the farm is seen, the background of what Almanzo's life was life before he met Laura. There was an explaination of how the Wilder and Ingalls family came to live where they did. There is some discussion about the Wilder Homestead as well as some exciting places to visit and vacation ideas for the family that likes Little House On The Prairie.
All and all this is a family friendly video with much learning involved, very well produced and a great documentary.
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