The Homeschool Gal

Chance to win a FREE ticket for the Schoolhouse EXPO event!!

Experience homeschool encouragement all week long with the Week Long Schoolhouse Expo Event. Dates:
August 19-23, 2013

Speakers include:
Hal & Melanie Young, Raising Real Men
Don't miss out on one of my favorite conference speakers, I've never had the privleged to meet Hal & Melanie Young, but I own their book Raising Real Men and I have a ton of their conference CD's.
Two topics that they will be bringing to us at the Schoolhouse EXPO will be "Making it through the battle for purity to courting his bride. Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men." And  "Getting Published and Getting It Launched – It doesn’t do any good to write a great book if no one ever knows about it. Learn how to get your book published and more important, get it known! Hal and Melanie Young, award-winning authors of Raising Real Men, share what they’ve learned about the book industry and how you can make or break the launch of your book."

Ray Comfort
"Ray Comfort is the co-host (with Kirk Cameron) of the award-winning television program “The Way of the Master,” which airs in 123 countries around the world. Ray is a best-selling author of more than 70 books. He and his wife, Sue, live in Southern California, where they have three grown children."
Dr. Jay Wile Author & Speaker
"Dr. Wile’s love of science is demonstrated by the many awards he has won for excellence in teaching and research. He has also presented numerous lectures on the topics of Nuclear Chemistry, Christian Apologetics, Homeschooling, and Creation vs. Evolution. He has published more than 30 articles on these subjects in nationally-recognized, peer-reviewed journals, and has 9 books to his credit, most of which belong to the award-winning “Exploring Creation with” series of junior-high and high-school science courses."

Todd Wilson The Familyman
"TODD WILSON, author of Help! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom and The Official Book of Homeschooling Cartoons, is a dad, writer, conference speaker, and former pastor. Todd’s humor and gut-honest realness have made him a favorite speaker at homeschool conventions across the country and a guest on Focus on the Family."

Andrew Pudewa
I've actually heard Andrew Pudewa do this talk at a homeschool convention, I bought the MP3 of it and listen to it each year before school starts so that I remember that my SON IS NORMAL! lol.

 "Teaching Boys and Other Children Who Would Rather Make Forts All Day
Children like to do what they can do, they want to do what they think they can do, and they hate to do what they think they cannot do. If you want excited and enthusiastic children who learn well, you must understand these key laws of motivation, and focus on the essential requirement of relevancy. If it matters, children will learn it, and if it doesn’t, they won’t. This session will enlighten you with specific ways to find and create relevancy for children, even when they have no apparent interest."
Deborah Wuehler TOS
"Feeling depressed, discouraged, or defeated – before you even start school? Deborah Wuehler shares three vital things that are necessary to run and complete this homeschooling race: Prayer, Power, and Perseverance! Join in as Deborah shares the hindrances that weigh us down, and how to overcome them in victory."

And many more!

Post a comment and get a chance to win a FREE ticket to the Schoolhouse Expo!!!

Start your homeschool year out right, with a Special Event from The Old Schoolhouse.

Disclaimer: This is a promotional post, with admission to the Expo as my reimbursement.

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