The Homeschool Gal

PeopleKeys Review

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We received the StudentKeys Student Binder Package from PeopleKeys which included a 3 ring binder to keep everything together and the following assessment workbooks geared towards ages 13-adult and or students in high school through college.

StudentKeys Student Binder Package includes the following workbooks, see the website for more details.

DISC Personality Style Workbook-Works to explain and show personality styles through "strengths, limitations and motivations".

Perceptual Learning Style Workbook-Allows students to find out if they are auditory, visual or kinesthetic learners.

Cognitive Thinking Style Workbook-Helps find out if your student is a literal, theoretical, intuitive or experiential learner.

Values Style Workbook-Helps the student identify Values Styles such as "loyalty, equality, personal freedom and justice."

Career Choice Workbook-This workbook helps to match students with career fields that match their styles.

Goal Setting Workbook- Helps students set goals regarding "education, career and personal development."
All this for just $49.00 complete. Below is a YouTube video for you to get more information.

I was a little concerned at the start of this review, because I thought this might be a bit above the thinking skills for my 13 year old son. But he jumped right in and started filling in the ovals with his personality traits in his DISC Personality Style Workbook. Sometimes stopping to look up a word in the dictionary such as pioneering, we knew what the word meant, but not how it related to personality style. He has some lofty career goals and the StudentKeys Student Binder Package was an AWESOME tool for him.
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We worked on this together, he would fill in the ovals and then ask me what I thought of his answer. Most often we answered the same, so I feel that this StudentKeys Student Binder Package is pretty accurate in gauging where the student is in different areas of life. We had fun coming up with stories of how/why he does the things that he does, some of which drive this Homeschool Momma BANANAS!! So if your children have a tendency to drive you a bit batty on certain things, I highly suggest ordering the StudentKeys Student Binder Package, it showed me how some of my son's quirkiness could work for him on the job and in relationships.

What this Homeschool Momma liked about StudentKeys Student Binder Package by PeopleKeys:

1. Easy to use!
2. Fun!
3. Learned some interesting things about myself (I went through the booklets orally and learned a lot about myself that way)
4. Extra learning, by having to look up words in the dictionary to get their full meaning, we knew all the words, but were not sure exactly how to define them in terms that the workbook was looking for.
5. Not boring at all!
6. Learned some life skills.
7. Learned some new vocabulary.
8. Very nice customer service, I had a question and they were very helpful.
9. My favorite workbook of all was the Goal Setting Workbook, as I don't think many young people today have any idea how to set goals for themselves.

What this Homeschool Momma did not like about StudentKeys Student Binder Package by PeopleKeys:

1. I would have liked to have a bit more instructions. Starting on page 8 of the DISC Personality Style Workbook there were really no instructions besides to place a check mark if you agree that characteristic describes your personality, then really nothing more to go by. I was at a loss at to what to do after that in that book.
2. You all know I like color and flare! These books are all black and white, but work well. Just a personal dislike of mine  :O)
3. The assessments are timed and I know some people don't much care for that, but they were pretty simple to get done in the allotted time. Though as I said, we had to look up a few words in the dictionary to find out the meaning that went along with the assessment we were working on.

What this Homeschool Young Man liked about StudentKeys Student Binder Package by PeopleKeys:

1) I liked how it was so true.
2) I learned a lot about myself.
3) It was easy to do.
4) It was a lot of fun to learn more about myself.
5) My favorite workbook was the Perceptual Learning Style Workbook, because it helped explain to my mom the way I learn.
6) I learned some better study habits that fit my learning style, like listening and repeating information to myself.
7) My Mom figured out why I like to touch and handle things while I am learning.

What this Homeschool Young Man did not like about StudentKeys Student Binder Package by PeopleKeys:

1) There could have been more instructions.
2) I had to look up several words in the dictionary such as systematic, analytical, methodical and experiential thinker.
3) Taking the assessments was fun but made my brain tired. So I would have your student take these assessments when they are fresh and well rested.
4) In the Learning Style Workbook on page 16, there is a grammar mistake in the last paragraph (the question reads) "Was it a quiet or did you have music?" I'm a stickler for grammar errors!

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This review was a real life changer for us, I was surprised by a few things and not surprised by some. Using the StudentKeys Student Binder Package helped us both learn some new ideas for the school year. Please click the bottom box below to see what other great products the TOS Review Crew got to try out from PeopleKeys.

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