The Homeschool Gal

Where I've Been & What I Am Up To...

It's been a busy back to school time and I've had a very sore shoulder & neck that does not like me to type, all leftovers from 2 past car accidents (not my fault). Seems to flare up 1x or 2x per year. This time I can't get an appointment for physical therapy for 8 days, not appointments open  :O(    I've heard it will be even worse with ObamaCare. So for now I am on a pack of steroids (oh joy!), Aleve and muscle relaxants. All of which I can say has done NOTHING for the pain. Would appreciate your prayers on this one.

The other thing that has kept me away is my mother needs to be moved into some typed of assisted living and it's really hard to have to start taking things over for a parent. So I have been busy looking into that kind of stuff.

Young adult homeschooler has been doing well in his studies, he is enjoying his first college class and also learning about just how much of a workload college will be  ;-)

Here is what we are doing this year in our homeschool. Looks like a big year, but some of these are just semester classes.

Bible Answers In Genesis,
Video Text Interactive Algebra 1
Apologia Physical Science
Institute in Excellence in Writing for writing
Abeka English
Abeka Spelling,
Abeka Lit,
Abeka History/Geography,
Typing Abeka,
Computer class website design
Computer class in C#.


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