Wife, Homeschooler, Mom, Gluten Free Cook and Blogger.
The Homeschool Gal
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Gluten Free Eating Just Got Cheaper!!
Gluten Free Eating Just Got Cheaper!! Aldi now has a full line of gluten free products! Aldi a German company has always clearly labeled t...
Soup recipe for you
Come on over to one of my favorite blogs "The Gluten-Free Homemaker" she has a wonderful recipe for beef vegetable soup slow cook...
Pantry Challenge day 8
I found some grilled burgers in the freezer from late this summer and we had those for one dinner, then I made Salisbury steaks for the next...
Pantry Challenge Day 7
Had to do a bit of grocery shopping. Went to Mejiers (Chorus of Angels music.......lol) shopped the produce, I think it's the lighting i...
Pantry Challenege Day 6
We cleaned out the refrigerator and had leftovers, along with corn from the freezer, canned fruit and veggies from the pantry. Sent hubby t...
Pantry Challenge Day 5
I thought I would share some pictures of my stockpiles.......lol. I have a few. First here is my stash of food that sits above my washer ...
Pantry Challenge Day 4
I used up some zucchinis, mushrooms, carrots, garlic and chicken (from freezer). I put all that in a pan with some olive oil, cooked it up ...
Pantry Challenge!!!
How about it?? Anyone game for a pantry challenge? It's easy, before you head to the grocery store, shop your freezer, refrigerator and ...
We had a wonderful time last night, I spent the evening scrapbooking with our son, he worked on his camp pictures and I worked on his 6th bi...
Favorite stocking stuffer & it's FREE!
This is a favorite stocking stuffer in our house. The coupon booklet , click the link and you can design your very own coupon booklet!! Cli...
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