Farm Fresh Eggs for sale

Yesterday was our first trip to the farmers market. We sold out of farm fresh eggs within minutes. It was our first crop of eggs with the proceeds going to winterize the coops. We are already gathering eggs for next week. A homeschooling mom came and bought 2 dozen, she has 4 hungry growing boys! She made a donation to our coop project too. Thank you Chris  :O)  We had not really thought far in advance when we got all the day old baby chicks that winter would someday  Winter will soon be upon us, so much work is needed to be done.

We are thankful for some Michigan friends that have been saving egg cartons for us so we don't have to buy them. 
We got a free watermelon while at the farmers market, our son helped a man load up his produce after the sale and he gave him a watermelon! So we came home with $ and a free $4.00 watermelon. Not a bad day.


  1. I want some eggs! I can start saving my egg cartons too :)

    btw, this is your new friend from Strasburg ;-)

  2. Ronda, you need to get an ID for on here, it's realy easy :O)
    I'll see if we have eggs on hand then next time we get together. The white are $2.00 and the brown $2.50. We have been selling out within 15 minutes of being at the farmers market! lol. We have had people want to come to our house each week to buy before the farmers market. I'm out there standing over the 'girls' in the yard saying "Lay more eggs lay more eggs! lol" They don't seem to hear me since they only push out 1 per day each. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Ekk, I need some serious spell checker on here!


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