We got 10 new baby chicks today! They are sooooo cute! I know I said I would NEVER get more chickens, but we were at the farm supply store the other day and I ordered some. They told me it would be Friday before they would ship. Well guess what? I had to take hubby to the dentist this morning and they called, so I drove over to the feed store and picked them up. Tried to hide them in the backseat, but hubby noticed the little cheeping....lol. He was numb on both sides of his mouth, so he was not into talking much and she just said HHHMMMM, with some sarcasm in his murmur.....lol. Meaning "This is your project and I am not helping you with them this time."
THESE LITTLE SWEETHEARTS!! Look closely at the picture above, especially at the beak, you can see the 'egg tooth'. That is pretty cool, because they normally fall of pretty quickly. It's on the top of the beak and it's a very special tooth that God gave chicks. It's the tooth that they use to peck out of the shell to be born. It looks like a little piece of dark yellow with a bump on it. It will fall off very soon. I'm off to check on my new brood.