As members of the TOS Review Crew we were privileged to
review of YWAM Publshing’s Kindle Ebook Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose and we
also received the Jim Elliot Unit Study Curriculum Guide part 1 and part 2 inPDF format. Part 1 includes the actual study guide Ebook and part 2 includes
all of the maps that go along with the study. (if you get the physical books
the maps are located in the center section of the paperback book). The Ebook is$6.99 and the Unit Study is an additional $7.49 for the Curriculum Guide. The
age ranges are 10+, but I will tell you that we were reading these books long
before age 10 and enjoying them.
Homeschool Young Man here, Homeschool Momma asked me to write up a bit about this review, so here goes. I liked that this was on my Kindle because I could take it anywhere and even read in the dark car when we traveled.
The book and unit study Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose starts
out with Jim Elliot and Pete Fleming on the boat Santa Juana to Ecuador, which
is in South America. Jim has some flashbacks to his earlier years. The book
moves and goes onto talk about when Jim was living in Ecuador, his marriage of
Betty, work at Shandia, and finally his work with Operation Acua. The later
half of Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose, deals with his involvement in Operation
Acua, which ends in disaster but there is a positive outcome. But I am not
going to spoil this for you. You will need to get the book yourself and read.
It’s REALLY GOOD! Be sure to read the epilogue for more details.
I’ve read about Jim Elliot before and enjoyed the stories as
well as watch a DVD about some of the missionary work that he was involved
YWAM Publishing has some incredible missionary stories, we
have a entire library in our home of them and they are read and re-read. We
have also used their Unit Study Curriculum Guides for Christian Heroes: Then
& Now by Janet & Geoff Benge from YWAM Publishing.
The Curriculum Guides cover so many topics that your child
will glean much by doing them. Here is just a sampling of what you can pick and choose from: creative writing, Bible memorization, creating time lines, DVD's, further reading, oral presentations, art projects and much more!
I’ve always allowed our son to pick and choose
what he wants to study from the guides. A favorite has been the timeline
activity, this was one of the projects that he chose to do from the
Christian Heroes: Then & Now Jim Elliot Unit Study Curriculum Guide. Get as simple as you want and just follow along in the book for creating
the timeline, but with a 13 year old, you can have them dig deeper. Using an
Internet search engine my student did some extra research and added more to his
timeline than what was in the book, it also helped that he had read a book on
Jim Elliot in the past.
Homeschool Momma make sure to read the introduction of the
Unit Study book for an explanation on how to use the book as well. There are
sections on learning styles and grade levels. I remember back when my student
was in the younger grades, I heard homeschool mom’s talking about unit studies
all the time, had no idea what those were. So they always intimidated me. While
at a homeschool convention we found the YWAM Publishing booth and I looked over
the Unit Study Curriculum Guide by Janet & Geoff Benge, it was so easy to
understand! We were sold on it from then on. My son always had some extra
pocket $$ at convention to buy the next one or two Christian Heroes, Then &
Now books. Now that they available on the Kindle are so inexpensive at just $6.99 each and $7.49 for the PDF's to go along with them.
For the younger students reading Christian Heroes Then Now: Jim Elliot One Great Purpose there some fun activities such as
the Student Explorations chapter that includes drawing or painting the effects
of flood at Shandia in chronological order. For a bit older student they can
have fun writing down language examples, such as writing down the Spanish
phrases found in the book and maybe searching online to find a few more. There
are fun tasks like bark rubbing with crayons or colored pencils. For high
school age there are essay questions, terms and vocabulary too. This would be a
great addition to a Spanish class. The neat thing about these ideas in the Unit
Study book is that you can go as laid back or as in depth as you want in your
I am thinking STOCKING STUFFERS this Christmas on the Kindle! What a great Christmas morning present, turning on the Kindle and finding some new YWAM Publishing Ebooks! As a side note YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission and these books will give your kids a heart for missions as they are exciting to read and captivating.

Some TOS Crew Members got a different YWMA Publishing Ebook to review, so click below to learn more.
Some TOS Crew Members got a different YWMA Publishing Ebook to review, so click below to learn more.