Showing posts with label salvage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salvage. Show all posts

Corn FREE & Gluten FREE products

Corn FREE & Gluten FREE products

I do need to add a small disclaimer here, this product does contain Xanthan Gum & Citric Acid, which can contain corn and can cause allergy issue with those that are very sensitive to corn products.

Awhile back I was at the Amish Salvage store and I came across a jar of Grandma Hoerners All Natural Pumpkin Butter, it was 18.2 oz for $1.25. The ingredients looked safe, but with corn you just never know, so I bought it figuring my guys could eat it if I was wrong. I called the company the other day and they were very quick in getting back with me. I spoke with Matt Beyer and asked my normal corn Since I call so many places and they are clueless about corn allergies and tell me "Why would we put corn in our product?" They are thinking corn as in corn on the cob........hahaha.  Well Matt knew exactly what I was talking about and even shared some other corn free products that they sell. I did a little happy dance while on the phone with him, I'm sure he thought I was bananas
(oh wait, I can't be bananas since I'm allergic to those too!). Here is the website to check out the products Grandma Hoerners carries, now they do have some products that do contain corn, so make sure to read the ingredients.
Tomorrow I will do a review of the Grandma Hoerners All Natural Pumpkin Butter. I plan on making some cupcakes and then using my Cuisipro Cupcake Corer that I bought from Love that thing! It really perks up gluten free cupcakes!! I will bake the cupcakes and then core out the middles and fill with the pumpkin butter, sounds good? We shall see.

Have a blessed day and remember what the Easter season is really about.

Makin' Space

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!  We are making space and using up food. It's so fun to go shopping from the pantry. I found some cans of fruit hidden in the back and 2 more can of Lentil soup (my guys fell in love with this, got it for .25ยข a can at the Amish Salvage store).

I've still got about 15 cans of beef broth (not gluten free) that I need to use up. Any ideas of what I can make my guys? They like soup, but then they also like crackers in soup and those have bad oils in them, so they are a no no for my husband.


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