Showing posts with label new years resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new years resolutions. Show all posts

Will you stay in your comfort zone in 2014??

Will you be staying in your comfort zone in 2014? Why not stretch yourself and work on getting organized in the coming New Year!!! Join me as I work through different areas that need attention in the home. I got this idea from a Facebook post from Homeschool Mamma Lori (well she is now a homeschool mamma at heart, she has graduated her 3 girls already).

As I look into 2014 I think of the following verse as it relates to my family.

Romans 14:13 "Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way." Is my method of being a keeper at home causing my homeschooled young man to stumble? To learn messy ways? To try to take the easy way out? Am I teaching my homeschooled young man to be a Godly husband to my future daughter in law? Am I teaching my homeschooled young man what a Godly wife and mother is like?

Let us get organized in are some great ways to get there! Just click on the links. These are some of my FREE printables This one is totally my style.
printable goal list, planners-goals-calendars-church-and-ministry, Love this one! Check it out.

To get healthy in the New Year try this how to succeed with your new years.

If you are a label person, I'm not, but there are some pretty COOL things to print out on Avery type labels on this site.

FREE return address label templates, VERY CUTE! I even made me some  :)

Galatians 6:9 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

Ok, Homeschool Mamma's (and non homeschool mamma too, I know several that read my blog) out there how many of us can relate to the second half of this verse? LOL...yeah, most of us are ready to faint at any moment! But we need to look at the first part of the verse, obviously the Lord knew that we would be weary and ready to drop over in doing well (His idea of well and not the world's idea of well! REMEMBER THAT!)

Share your own favorite ways to get organized in the new year.

New Year ~ New Ideas

The NEW YEAR can be full of new ideas for your homeschool!!

I have been given permission to share these ideas with you from Mary Beth a fellow homeschooling mom, she says that the first 3 ideas came from Chris Davis of Home School Marketplace, but the rest are her own. Long before I read Mary Beth's list I had come up with a similar listing for our homeschool and it's helped me through the years to revisit the list to make sure we are on target.
Mary Beth was answering the following question.

What curriculum do you like best and why?

1. What things did you do or learn in school that have served you well
in your adult life? (Be sure to include them in your curriculum.)

2. What things did you do or learn in school that have proven to have
been a waste of time? (Don't bother with these.)

3. What do you wish someone had taught you? (Be sure to include them.)

4. There is a reason God put these children in your home. What do you
suppose He has in mind for them that you and only you can equip them
for? (This is why your homeschool shouldn't look like everybody

5. Imagine that you have a daughter. What kind of man would you want
her to marry? How can you raise your boys to be that type of man?
Think ahead to the day your child leaves home, whether it be for
marriage, college, work, or missions. Answer the following questions:

6. What skills, values, character qualities and faith foundations do
you want your child to have in order for you to be confident that he
is ready to face the world on his own? What can you do now to take
steps toward those goals?

7. What do you not want to regret when your children leave home?
If you look over these lists, you will see that you are well on your
way to a custom-designed curriculum for your family.

We can have a fresh start right now, if things are not working, think about how you can get things working.
How are you going to change things up in your homeschool this new year?


Pantry Challenege Day 6

We cleaned out the refrigerator and had leftovers, along with corn from the freezer, canned fruit and veggies from the pantry. Sent hubby to work with cookies from the freezer and our large stash of fresh giant oranges from the local school band.
How are you doing? I have a large can of black beans, got any suggestions to hide those in something? We are not big bean eaters (well we like and I bought those when I was on a 'lets get healthy kick.'  Yeah, the family really likes when mom gets on that high horse. lol


Pantry Challenge Day 5

I thought I would share some pictures of my I have a few.
First here is my stash of food that sits above my washer & dryer.
This is my NON gluten free stash of things that I need to use up.
My top of the refrigerator stash......ignore the dust up there! I'm too short to see it, so I don't dust if often :O)
My Lazy-Susan cabinet or better known as "The finger pinching spinner thing" to my toddler son back in the day. lol. Yes I have a ton of Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce because the Amish salvage store has it for like .95ยข per bottle and the expiration date is 2013. YUM!
For some reason the server is rejecting my final picture, which is of a tiny cabinet that my Dh and Ds have munchies & snacks stored in. It's not real large, but it has Ritz Crackers, hot cocoa packets and stuff like that in it.
Feel free to share your stash photos with us. I've not even ventured to take pictures of the freezers Maybe next week.
Happy frugal cooking this month.

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