What School Supply Item Are You Addicted To?

I must have them in all shapes and sizes, 
not to mention all colors...lol.

LOL...this is just my secret stash in my school supplies, I've got sticky note pads in my car, date book, living room, media room, kitchen and dining room...lol.

I asked the child what school supplies we need for the school year, he says "NONE." I say "I think we need some sticky notes." (they are my weakness!!!). He yells out "With all the sticky notes we have, I think we are preparing for Sticky Note Y2K!" lol...Maybe we can just bypass my sticky note obsession and move on to the question at hand? "How on earth does the child know about Y2K?"


  1. Funny... I would have to say I seem to have an abundance of ink pens...different colors...seems to be the brighter the color the more I need it.

  2. LOL...I would have an abundance of ink pens too, but my guys tend to drag them off, never to be seen again. I am left handed so I am VERY picky about my ink pens, many of them will smear and/or leak on my hands when I write.
    Thanks for stopping by.


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