Work Life Balance Hacks for You Homeschool Mom

I am a paper calendar kinda gal. This is so cool! I love this idea, I do not like to program my phone or add events to program my calendar. Can't wait to try this.

Homeschool Mom's need to be constantly watching that calendar because things can get out of control!
What do you think? Anyone know what HACK means? lol...sometimes I'm slow  :O)

What a great suggestion from an M.D.


  1. what is the awesome idea? i see the title of your post, and then you write "this is so cool." what is cool? if an image or text is missing, please fix it so we can all know the awesome idea.
    have you tried it? what do you think?
    currently i use the calendar on my phone but am interested in other ideas.

  2. Cathy,
    It works for me, it takes a bit to load it for some reason. It remains a black box for a bit of time.
    I love the idea, but I don't have a fancy phone. One day I will have one though.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. So far, I had only heard the word hack as a verb in reference to a person using computers to "invade" another computer to find secret documents, etc. I looked up meaning of HACK as a noun:
    Then I did google search of "schedule hack." I think it means to put EVERYTHING on the calendar - make appointments for work events and make appointments for personal life events. As a home schooling parent, you would schedule time to teach English, time to teach Math, time to grocery shop, time to do laundry, time to mow lawn, and time to repair a lamp. As a woman that needs to care for herself, you would schedule time to exercise, time to read a comic book, time to eat healthy food, time for hair cut, and time to sleep. If you don't care for yourself, then how well can you care for your family?
    In the doctor's blog, he gives example of appointments with patients or meetings (work), and also scheduling appointments to drink coffee with a friend or appointment to go on walk, or appointment to plan out a summer vacation.
    You can do his method on paper and have that paper(s) with you all of the time. He suggested taking a photo with your smartphone of the paper(s) since you might already have habit of keeping smartphone with you always. In the past, I always had 3x5 spiral notebook with me to write notes and it worked for over 10 years for me. I still write notes on paper sometimes to keep myself from being sucked into the computer, if you know what I mean.


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