Craving An Egg Roll & recipe

So today I was craving egg rolls, homeschool mom of a 7th grader and public school math teacher mom know exactly the egg rolls I was craving!

 "We open: what you want!"  lol.
So I called up my mom and she got my Filipino SIL's recipe, though SIL uses wheat wrappers, I had to use rice wrappers. I miss her egg rolls too.
Here is the first batch and how they turned out.

Slightly  Nope they are not as pretty as our fav' Chinese hang out back in the gluten days, so I tried again.

Well this batch was mushy, but looks better than the burnt one next to it. I gave up, whimpered away, cried my eyes out and posted to my new favorite gluten-free, casein-free hang out. One of the dear ladies there Theresa recommended trying 2 wrappers instead of just one. I was done for though.
My dh had just come home from work, we chatted, shared our woes from the day and I was revived. I came back in and tried the double wrapper method. Here are the results.

Much better!! Again not as pretty as the Chinese place, but they were YUMMY!! Dh said the that the recipe is a keeper.

The recipe is super easy!!
Brown a pound of ground beef, pork, chicken or turkey with an chopped onion, drain any grease. Then add your choice of veggies, I added a can of La Choy GF veggies with baby corn, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots and stuff like that, I chopped a carrot up and added some chopped cabbage. Add a few tablespoons of GF soy sauce (or make your own if you can't do soy), salt and pepper to taste. Toss all this together until warm. Get grease ready and use rice wrappers, dip them in water for about 15 seconds, drain. Add 2 tablespoons of meat mixture to the center and fold forward, then fold in ends and then fold forward again. Fry in oil until crispy and not burnt (like I did).

Now that my craving has passed I can relax, dishwasher is running, I've got one in the bathtub sleeping and one in front of the DVD watching The Sound of Music (a class assignment).
Please let me know if you make these, share how they turned out.

This entire fiasco made me think on Proverbs 3:5-7 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

Guess what? I slept in today and did not start my day with my Lord, would my attitude have been different if I had spent some time with Him? I think so.
Are  you busy? Get in the Word.
Are you tired? Get in the Word.
Are you bummed? Get in the Word.
The book of John is a wonderful place for you to start.

How is your homeschooling going this year?

When stressful days come a knockin', momma has got to figure out how to get a rockin'!
Here is my best tip for you on those tough homeschool days.

Always keep a pocket new Testament Bible in the bathroom drawer. Escape to the bathroom, AKA Teacher's Lounge. Read a few verses of scripture, cry your eyes out, wash your face and grab a fresh cup of coffee. Kiss the kids and move on...............


Dice Math Games

Thinking of my previous post today about the homeschooling mom and the public school math teacher mom, I found these cool Math dice games over at the home iz cool 101 blog stop by and check her out.

I have some really cool extra sided dice (more than 4 sides), I bought them last year and forgot all about them until I read this blog post. Note to self, STOP BUYING THINGS AND USE WHAT YOU HAVE ON HAND! lol. How many of us have all these school goodies that we bought with high hopes of using them and later find them covered in dust? Shake the dust off your dice and roll into some fun & games this school year!

I can't wait for school to start next week! We love to play games in our school and it's a great way to keep your students interested and make concepts real to them.

Now back to the regularly scheduled program of me working on 6 scrapbooks for tomorrow, our church is hosting a 9/11 memorial service for all our fire, police and ambulance personnel.  I was asked to complete the task of making commemorative scrapbooks for them all. Nothing like the last minute, as my MI buddy would say "If it weren't for last minute, nothing would ever get done."
Turn your life over to Jesus Christ and He will bring you comfort even in all of the ills of this world, including the devastation that 9/11 brought to us.

Old friends & Proverbs

There is nothing like a surprise of running into old friends. Today while at my sons game I ran into two mommy friends of mine, one a homeschooling mom and another a public school math teacher mom. Both I love dearly. They are the type of ladies that you don't find too often in your life: real, caring and sincere all rolled into one (well two in this case).

We are all busy with our families and we don't 'socialize' together, but whenever we run into each other it's like we have never been apart, we just start chatting. It's a blessing to share things and find that I'm not the only one to get the "Mother of the Year" award (meaning we have really had a major goof as a mom!) lol. It's nice to share a struggle or an area that needs prayer from an understanding mom.

It's exciting to see how the Lord uses each of these ladies, public school math teacher mom has an AWESOME ministry to her public school kids. She cares for each of her students, prays for them and they know that she cares about them. Homeschool mom has taught me about being more calm in addressing things with my son, having more patience in school, and not fretting over teaching to the test.

I just had to share this blessing in my life. The Lord provides people in our lives for the season we are in. 
Proverbs 13:20 "He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."

Have a wonderful weekend!

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