Pantry Challenge!!!

How about it?? Anyone game for a pantry challenge? It's easy, before you head to the grocery store, shop your freezer, refrigerator and cabinets to see what you can use up. For the first 3 weeks I try to only buy milk, butter and bread, since I usually have an abundance of canned fruits and veggies on hand. If you don't have chickens you may need to buy eggs  :-p    Make a family game out of this, let the kids pick some can goodies from the cabinet, find some meat in the freezer and go from there.

Feel free to post here and let us know how it's going for you, ask for hints and tips on how to go about doing your pantry challenge. I for one sometimes need some help using up those odd cans of black beans, pinto beans and mole sauce that I bought for some odd

This is a great money saver to start the new year out. I think about many of my readers that are saving to adopt and homeschool moms that are eeking out a tight budget. I hope that this post will be a blessing to your household.

What kind of weird things do you have in your cabinet, freezer or refrigerator that need used up? Use things up before they go bad. Get creative and see what interesting things you can make.

Have a wonderful week!


We had a wonderful time last night, I spent the evening scrapbooking with our son, he worked on his camp pictures and I worked on his 6th birthday pictures. Around 11:00pm we both decided that we were tired and so we cleaned up our area and headed off to the living room to snuggle up and read. Dad was putting in some overtime at work so he missed out on the fun. But I packed him up some goodies in his dinner, bacon wrapped green olives, deviled eggs and some special Munchies chips.

Today we vegged out, I did a bunch of cooking and our son fell asleep on the couch from 1pm-5pm a quiet day all the way around. I spent some time going over things for the next semester, since I may be facing a major surgery, I needed to look some things over and plan ahead.

Heard an interesting thought on Christian radio this week, it talked about waiting on God and how we need to look at it as "a waiting room experience", thought that was pretty neat. So as I wait for my medical tests at the end of January, I can just sit back relax in the GREAT physicians waiting room, it really removed some stress for me.

As you take down your Christmas decorations and pack them away, don't pack away Jesus, keep Him out this year and enjoy fellowship with Him each and every day.

Thanks for spending 2011 with me as we learned about raising chickens, butchered chickens, became gluten free, waited on the Lord, learned more from the Lord, looked through the Word of God and home educated.


Melted Snowman Cookies

These are SO CUTE! They are NOT gluten free or dairy free, but I think something could be changed to make them that way. They are just darling!

Crazy Domestic: Melted Snowman Cookies: Click on that link and it will take you to the blog. Enjoy!
Merry Christmas!!

Favorite stocking stuffer & it's FREE!

This is a favorite stocking stuffer in our house. The coupon booklet, click the link and you can design your very own coupon booklet!!  Click on gift certificate (large size) or father's day coupon booklet (smaller size). After that you can pick your holiday theme, then just follow the prompts and pick what you want. I always type in my own ideas for coupons. Our son likes the following ones that I have made up in the past.
GET OUT OF SCHOOL FREE DAY! (get out jail free card basically: we love Monopoly)
Double lesson in any subject (sometimes you just can't put down that history book since you want to know what happens next in history!!)
Lunch out (Pizza Hut book-it or a friend's son like Crazy Bread from Little Caesars)
Lego play day!
Media day with Popcorn (movies or Wii)
Bowling (our local place is $2.50 per game with shoes during the week)
Skip a subject of your choice
Library day (lay around at the library reading all day)
Chore free day-this one is pretty

Above is a sample of the coupon booklet that I made this year.
I normally put 2 of each in the pack and they are good until 12/31/12.

This is a fun thing and it's free.......we like free!!

Merry Christmas,

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