Proud Mommy Moment!

Our team got awards in the following categories:
Programming: clear, concise & reusable code & consistently performs.

Strategy & Innovation: solid engineering practices, well developed strategy to design & build, high performing robot.

Gracious Professionalism: show each other and other teams respect at all times & recognize both friendly competition & mutual gain.

They also had the only robot that talked.
Their robot was a line painter, it followed lines and was built to paint lines straight on roadways.
Thanks for letting me share my proud Mommy moment  :O)

Gluten Free Class Tonight & A Slight Glitch!

Well I had the privilege of spending an evening with an awesome group of people!! It was sad to see how many had suffered and doctors did not seem to be helpful for them. Hoping that each came away with some encouragement that they are not alone in this. Though at times it does feel very lonesome.
 As for the glitch, I had planned to make Bob's Red Mill Pizza Crusts and when I opened my box from, I saw flour inside the outer box, I lifted out the 4 pack of pizza crust mix and the bottom of the case was broke open. All the bags had some how popped open and were spilled all over. I'm thinking that in shipping a heavy box got put on top of it and the weight popped the bags open. It was a mess just as we were leaving to head to the class. Called and they shipping 2 new cases overnight to me.......yeah for a company with EXCELLENT customer service!!!!

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