Butchering chickens tomorrow

I think we are ready for butchering chickens tomorrow, it's still hard since we raised them from 1 day old baby chicks. But since DS has been really pecked a few good times by the roosters, he says he is ready....lol.  The final nail in the coffin (yes pun intended!) was the other day when DS came in and said "The roosters announced today that they are ready for butchering." I ask what he meant and he told me that the one pen of roosters started crowing today. Which in chicken speak that means they are of age to be consumed.
I am thinking of scrapbooking the process, but I have to think on that for a while.

Farm Fresh Eggs for sale

Yesterday was our first trip to the farmers market. We sold out of farm fresh eggs within minutes. It was our first crop of eggs with the proceeds going to winterize the coops. We are already gathering eggs for next week. A homeschooling mom came and bought 2 dozen, she has 4 hungry growing boys! She made a donation to our coop project too. Thank you Chris  :O)  We had not really thought far in advance when we got all the day old baby chicks that winter would someday come........lol.  Winter will soon be upon us, so much work is needed to be done.

We are thankful for some Michigan friends that have been saving egg cartons for us so we don't have to buy them. 
We got a free watermelon while at the farmers market, our son helped a man load up his produce after the sale and he gave him a watermelon! So we came home with $ and a free $4.00 watermelon. Not a bad day.

Homeschool gathering

Spent the day with great group of ladies from a homeschool group. Had an enjoyable time visiting with like minded ladies. Sounds like they have some fun things planned for the school year like field trips and maybe a sign language class. Send some tips our way regarding things that your homeschool group does through the school year.

Mine was a little bit unsocialized yesterday, he's been suffering headaches on and off since doing head traps in soccer, he was doing fine until he was on the merry go round and a kid kept throwing a basketball at him and it hit his head twice, then the headache started up all over again  :O( 
So he sat quietly by himself and when he felt a bit better he read a book.  Praying that these headaches go away.

Gluten Free disaster! lol

Well I have been trying some new recipes. I found one for a cranberry quick bread, I made the 1 1/2 lb loaves. Our son was watching it rise in the bread machine and he asked "Mom do you think that it's going to go over?" I looked, it still had a few inches before going over the top. I figured it was fine. A little bit later he comes back and says "Mom, the bread machine is smoking!!" Yes indeed the bread had gone over and spilled on the heating element. So I told him to start the oven and get a bread pan out. The cranberry bread got baked in the oven, it caved in, but it tasted good. I spent the rest of the afternoon scraping burnt bread off the inside of the machine.

I think I will make a 1 lb loaf next time.

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