A mom somewhere............

A mom somewhere in your neighborhood is preparing lessons to teach her children. In the minute it takes you to read this, moms all over the USA are using their "freedoms" and always investing their own money in their child's literacy, prosperity and future. She does this because she knows government run schools are not working anymore! Pray for a homeschool mom, love a homeschool mom, and appreciate a homeschool mom!

I love this sign!! Have a great weekend!!!

Gluten free Dairy free Cheesy Breadstix

These are so good! I found the Kinnikinnick Foods Gluten Free Personal Size Pizza Crusts at our local store. They were $7.99 for 8 servings, I thought a tad bit pricey, but they taste pretty good!

I brushed the crust with olive oil, sprinkled on garlic salt and Italian Seasoning then baked according the package directions. Then I sprinkled on some Daiya Vegan Mozzerella Cheese. Then I heated for about 15 seconds in the microwave to melt the cheese. I then served with gluten free/dairy free pizza sauce. YUMMO!!!

My dream homeschooling room.

I love to look at other home educators school rooms to get ideas for our school space.
This one is from Ikea and very COOL! You can see more pictures on Confessions of a homschooler blog at. http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/blog/2011/08/our-schoolroom-on-ikea.html#comment-32408

Look how neat and orderly this is? WOW!!
Share your space here. I will post a picture of my school area below, we use workboxes.
These are student bins as well as craft bins and storage for flashcards and more.

I could not leave out my favorite home education sign that hangs in the dining room from my friend and fellow homeshooling mom Sue. She gave to me for Christmas one year, as she knows I love snowmen and keep them up year round. I just love this! lol. And yes for all you non homeschoolers out there, we do take snowdays off if we want to. But sometimes the subject matter we are going over is just to exciting to stop for a snowday. But if the local kids are outside playing or come and knock on the door, we do head outside for some playtime.

Butchering day is here! It really was not too bad!

I really thought it was going to be horrible, I got all these horror stories from people and I was really worked up about it all. The chickens did not flop around, there was not tons of blood and it was not nasty. We prayed before we started, thanking God for the provision of the chickens, allowing us to raise them and then allowing us to enjoy eating them. The Lord really blessed and the kids actually enjoyed the process (I don't mean like YEAH we are doing this, but it was in no way traumatic to any of them, from ages 11 and under). I was the only one that cried and I was fine until our friends showed up and then I just bawled!

We only got 6 butchered and packaged in 5 hours (but we had 7 kids and 3 adults).

Plucking the chicken this was very easy, people told us it was hard to do and it stunk, nope, easy as pie. (chicken pot pie that is!)

We got chased inside by a severe thunderstorm with some vicious lightening! lol Otherwise we would have stayed outside working in the rain, but instead we had to drag in the dead chickens and all our tools lol.....yes it was rather interesting to say the least.

The kids learned a lot, our friend is an RN and he showed all the kids the body parts and explained how the chambers of the heart work and what and where the organs were. They loved learning about the tendons and how the feet move. They played with the feet and a pair of pliers.

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